Prof. Mary Banas
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at
Tufts University

Tu 8:30AM–2:00PM
230 Fenway: Room B211A

When contacting me, copy both emails for best results:

Office Hours: 
Fridays from 12–1pm, on zoom

How to make an appointment:
please book this by 9am on Fridays, email me to give me a heads up that you have booked it.

Graphic Arts Area Instagram
Permissions doc for GRA IG is here
01 Description
02 Learning Outcomes
03 Assignments
04 How We Work
05 Studio Culture

Tufts University Policies

CalendarBriefs01 Alphabet Book
02 Studio Experiments
03 Poster
04 Sequence

Tutorials (including how to print!)


Review Boards: Advice


Google Drive


Type as Image


Printing on Campus

Print guides from Chris:

Print Service Guide
Inkjet Printing Guide

Optimal file set up:
—Make a copy of your file and embed images and outline fonts for best results

—Export as a PDF with bleeds and crop marks, choose High Quality Print, as demonstrated in class today

1. Read the above PDF
Choose a paper type and check out the price
3. Upload your file to BOX or send via email
4. fill out the document (specify that your poster has crop marks and you want it “trimmed to the crops”)
5. Lab will email you & you approve the cost
6. Go to school store to pay; they will give you a slip when you pay7. Bring the slip to the lab and pick up your print

You can trim your own poster in the lab where they have the huge cutter — I recommend you trim your own poster but if you want someone else to do it that is OK too.

How to print from your laptop

Install JumboPrint on your computer

You can add the JumboPrint application to your Windows or Mac computer and use it the same way you would with a personal or office printer. Select either Tufts_Bw or Tufts_Color when printing documents, and then retrieve your print job from any JumboPrint location.

Please note that all public computers on the Tufts campuses are already configured to print to JumboPrint.

Printing at SMFA is free.

Here is the new link from Stephen for downloading the drivers:

Download the packages, open them on your computer, double check on the package to open it, it will look like this:

This install window pops up, press the button on the bottom right to confirm all the steps of installation

How to print from the browser

Go to: https://access.tufts.edu/jumboprint, sign into your tufts account so you can see this https://jumboprint.tufts.edu/MyPrintCenter

1. Click on “upload”, select your PDF (remember the name of your file)

2. Check the box next to your print

3. At bottom right, choose “Black & White” (or color if you are printing color); select “Single Sided” (unless you want to print double-sided)

4. Pages per side should be “1”

5. Go out in the hallway and swipe your ID, choose the job name you want (this is the name of your file) to print and press “OK”


How to set up your 11 x 17” for your Alphabet Book

• Open InDesign
• File > New
• 11x17” (might need to change increments to inches)
• Landscape
• Un-check “facing pages”

How to export from InDesign to a PDF
• InDesign > File > Export
• Can choose “smallest file size” if you think your file might be heavy


How to bump up contrast on your photographs:

• Open Photoshop
• File > New
• Choose image from your computer 
• Image > Mode > Grayscale
• Image > Adjustments > Levels (pull the triangles until you see something you like

Other recommended practices:
• Duplicate your Background layer so that you have a built in back-up of the original image in your file if needed (for convenience!)
• Use the adjustment layers (”black and white cookie”) and the layer mask (”rectangle with circle inside it”) to make adjustments to your image in an elastic way
• Use the paintbrush to add and subtract from your image
• Use the lasso tool to cut things out
• Return your color space to RGB (Image > Mode > RGB) to then create a colored layer so you can better see what little bits are on the page
• Use filters to add texture or blur to your images
• To make something a bitmap it needs to be grayscale first (Image > Mode > Grayscale > then again Image > Mode > Bitmap)






Elizabeth Goodspeed’s list of studios:

If you want to get an internship this summer, here is my recommended timeline:

Research design studios and companies in the location you will be (or remote opportunities). Use Linkedin or their website to reach out to someone who works there, someone a job title or two a head of you is a good call. Ask for a coffee or zoom date and ask them to review your portfolio. 

Before break, meet with career services, get their advice on the Tufts network, resumes and portfolios. I will also review your portfolio.

Reach back out to the folks you met with in the fall and let them know you are looking for opportunities. Apply cold to internships that are posted. Reach out to folks in the Tufts network. 

Above all: be a person. Business is about relationships. Lean on the networks that you have, your friends, family, Tufts, your professors.
© Mary Banas,  Fall 2024School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts Universitysmfa.tufts.edu